Promote your community

Featured Listing (1 month)

Get featured on top of 1 topic page to boost community memberships for a month.

Sponsorship includes

  • Featured on top of your topic page
  • Displayed on our homepage
  • Recommended from similar communities
  • $1 CPC guarantee

One-time fee


Promote your community

Comes with $1 CPC guarantee (99+ clicks)

Gold Membership

List on up to 6 topic pages related to your community, and have more prominent listings. Gold listings get 10x traffic on average.

Membership includes

  • Be listed on up to 6 relevant topic pages (instead of 2)
  • ~10x organic traffic to your community
  • Show social proof (show reviews in list, choose top 3)
  • More prominent display in "similar communities"

Yearly Subscription

$390 /yr

Level up your listing

Gold listings get ~10x traffic of free listings

Traffic Stats
Averages from past month, refreshed weekly

Listing TypeClicks/moCPC
Free listing
Featured 1x
Featured listing on 1 topic page
Featured 2x
Featured listing on 2 simultaneous topic pages
Gold Membership
Gold membership enabling placement on up to 6 topic pages
Gold + Featured
Simultaneous monthly promotion and Gold membership


"It turned out to be a huge success story and TheHiveIndex became one of our key sources of new members. Can't recommend enough and thank you for helping us reach new heights."
- Ophir from Furlough

"Hive Index is the best source of referral traffic to grow your community. Visitors coming from our listing are highly converting ones! It's one of a few marketing channels with a positive ROI."
- Ivan from Lunadio

"If you are running a community, The HiveIndex Gold Membership is a deal you must grab. We have been sponsoring for our MicroSaaSHQ community. Drives traffic consistently. I would highly recommend."
- Upen from MicroSaasHQ

"If you want a source of good traffic for your community this is well worth a look. For quite a while Hive Index has been our #1 source of traffic."
- Simon from Hacker Cabin


How much does it cost?
$99 to be featured for a month

Can I promote my listing more than once?

Can I promote my listing on more than one topic page?
Yes, just increase the quantity when using the payment link

Can I run a featured promotion and purchase Gold membership?
Yes, this is the highest-traffic package you can get on the Hive Index.

Is there a discount for buying multiple months of a promotion?
Buy 4 months (by increasing the quantity to 4 on this payment link), get 1 free

Can I buy a promotion subscription, so I don't have to remember to pay each month?
Yes, you can buy a subscription via this payment link.

Can I edit any other information on my listing?
Send an email and let's discuss!