Internet Pipes

Community Overview

About the Internet Pipes community

Internet Pipes is a Discord Server for Technologists, Founders, and Ideation with roughly 1K members. It has both a forum and a live chat communication style.

In their own words

Internet Pipes is a community of netizens who are excited about making sense of data openly accessible online in order to be early to trends, generate business ideas, or simply sound more interesting at your next dinner party. Think of Internet Pipes as your cheat code to the web.

On Discord
1K Members

Community Reviews

"internet pipes" from @stephsmithio is fascinating and really good. its a reimagination of what an online course can be and its a peek into one of the most generative online creators minds. finding myself delighted by going through it now. feels novel!
- Paul
Internet Pipes has blown me away — such a unique and high-value offering. I previously worked as an editor at a trend hunting firm, so I always considered myself an internet sleuth of sorts. But the breadth of tools/tactics covered here has been amazing.
- Niko
Internet Pipes with @stephsmithio has been one of the coolest courses I’ve bought in years. It’s changing the way I think about market research, and I’m finding new opportunities that I never would have before. That’s saying something since I been doing market research online…
- Justin

Community Features


This community has a forum


This community has a realtime chat


This community has discounts and perks for its members (potentially for a cost)


This community hosts offline events and meetups


This community has an email newsletter of related content


This community has a paid membership level


This community offers educational courses

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