Small Bets

Community Overview

About the Small Bets community

Small Bets is a Campfire Community for Marketers, Business Owners, Founders, Indie Hackers, Building in Public, and Micro Startups with roughly 4K members. It has a live chat communication style.

In their own words

Interested in entrepreneurship? Forget about starting a company. Try making $1,000 with a small project first. We learn a lot more from small wins than from big failures. When you join Small Bets you'll find a support network ready to help you get your first small wins, along with regular live workshops to teach and inspire you.

On Campfire
Established 2021
4K Members

Community Reviews

I just joined @dvassallo’s course for cohort 5. The Discord is FULL of amazing makers. It’s like a curated group of the best from Twitter, plus more interaction and value.
- Dan
Taking this course and joining this Discord has been an incredible learning journey. Top notch, creative, generous, engaged people coming together to figure out how to design work around life. Makings solopreneurship not so solo.
- Miche
You don't need another course but this by @dvassallo legit freed me from self-sabotage and procrastination. It's value dense, affordable and the community is still small and quite active.
- Monica
1 more review

Community Features


This community has a realtime chat


This community has discounts and perks for its members (potentially for a cost)


This community hosts offline events and meetups


This community has an email newsletter of related content


This community has a paid membership level


This community offers educational courses

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