- #1
on facebook
Welcome to FemCity, a global community of change-makers, freelancers, co-workers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who support, encourage and inspire one another while blazing a trail for women everywhere.20K members
ForumPairingEventsCourses - #2
Asian Wander Women
on facebook
AWW aims to help Asian women gain location and financial freedom to wander around the world—all on their own terms.1K members
ForumPerksEventsNewsletterJobs - #3
Connected Women
on facebook
Be part of a global community of tech-powered women entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals.ForumEventsNewsletterJobs - #4
Women Know Tech
on facebook
Welcome to this group! I'm Marie from girlknowstech.com! I created this group to have a community where women can discuss and help each other! We are not many, so let's help each other! Feel free to invite your friends who are studying, pursuing careers in technology, learning to code, etc. Everyone who identifies themselves as a woman are welcome! -Marie3K members
ForumJobs - #5
Lesbians Who Tech Montreal
on facebook
Lesbians Who tech is committed to convening queer women in technology (and our allies) in a vibrant and inclusive community. We work together to promote the visibility and inclusion of women, LGBTQ people, and people from other backgrounds under-represented in technology. If you work to move this mission forward, we want you on our team. Nobody ‘has to be’ a lesbian to be in this community. We use the term to honour those who crossed a firewall with it. Lesbians Who Tech s’engage à offrir un environnement dynamique et inclusif aux femmes queer en technologie (et leurs alliés). Nous travaillons ensemble à promouvoir la visibilité et l’inclusion des femmes, des personnes LGBTQ, ainsi que de ceux et celles qui sont sous-représentés dans le domaine des technologies. Si vous avancez dans le même sens que nous, nous vous voulons dans notre équipe. Il n’est donc pas nécessaire d’être lesbienne pour joindre la communauté Lesbians Who Tech. Le terme Lesbienne est utilisé pour honorer les femmes qui ont défoncé le plafond de verre et s’identifient comme tel.656 members
Forum - #6
Women in Competitive Programming
on facebook
Welcome to Women in Competitive Programming! Our objective is to bring all the superwomen of Competitive Programming together on a platform and provide them with a culture of mutual learning and growth.6K members
Forum - #7
on facebook
WomenInTechPK is a women-only community where members can talk freely about issues, seek advice and opportunities, find mentors and form collaborations with each other. The community does offline meetups where members network, discuss and learn about different topics. Its goal is to initiate an open dialogue about the cultural issues women face and devise strategies for a collaborative effort towards creating a more diversified and accepting environment for women technologists.9K members
Forum - #8
Les filles du web au Québec
on facebook
Le but du groupe? Regrouper des filles du web au Québec pour échanger, aider et inspirer. Que vous soyez Instagrammeuse ou une queen du PHP, il y a une place pour vous ici, tant que vous œuvrez sur le web. Toutefois, les contenus MLM (Arbonne, It Works, Herbalife, Mary Kay) et Coachs de vie ne sont pas acceptés dans le groupe. *À noter que le groupe n’est pas pour faire de l’autopromo. Veuillez écrire aux administratrices si vous croyez que votre projet mérite une exception. Vous pouvez parler de postes offerts, cependant. Ce règlement s'applique aux admins du groupe, qui ne peuvent pas l'utiliser pour faire l'autopromo de leur propres projets. Le groupe n’est pas lié à une entreprise ou un site.1K members
All Women in Tech communities
Women in tech communities are dedicated to women who work in technology, or are interested in a career in tech. These communities focus on discussing technology topics, as well as professional advice on how to succeed as a woman in the technology sector.
Monthly Stats
- 82
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- 207
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