Online Communities for Parents
28Updated 2024-11-14
- #1
on reddit
A place for new parents, new parents to be, and old parents who want to help out. Posts focusing on the transition into living with your new little one and any issues that may come up. Ranting and gushing is welcome!300K members
Forum - #2
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Welcome to the attachment parenting subreddit. We're here to support parents who want to use attachment parenting while raising their children. The goal of attachment parenting is to form a secure attachment by cultivating an emotional sensitivity to your children and their needs. General parenting discussions are allowed and encouraged if you would like to chat or get advice from like-minded parents. Please be respectful. This should be a warm and welcoming place for parents in need of help.21K members
ForumChat - #3
Next Gen Men
We create brave spaces for conversations about gender and equality.2K members
ForumChatPerksEventsNewsletterPaid - #4
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A place to share thoughts, questions, support, and tips about being a new parent to a child (usually under the age of 1).160K members
Forum - #5
on reddit
Welcome to babywearing!27K members
Forum - #6
Ask advice from other parents in our forums!18K members
Forum - #7
Netmums Forum
Join the chat about parenting and family life in the Netmums forum. Whether you're trying to conceive (TTC) or pregnant. In our Forum we have Health Visitors, Counsellors, Nurses, Legal experts and Social Workers, in fact a whole team of experts waiting to reply to your queries.1.9M members
ForumNewsletter - #8
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Welcome to clothdiaps! A subreddit for discussion and support for families who use cloth diapers.25K members
Forum - #9
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A safer space for all pregnant people.444K members
Forum - #10
JustParents is a pregnancy & parenting community where members swap advice, get support in the journey of parenthood and make new friends. Also has a parent’s review page on baby products and toys.Forum r/TryingForABaby
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This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!110K members
ForumThe Au Pair Club
Our Online Learning Community is specifically for Au Pairs and Nannies looking to improve their skillset. Our learning can be completed at home and at any time.200 members
ForumChatApplyJobsCoursesMocha Moms
Welcome to our sisterhood! Mocha Moms, Inc. is the premier voice for mothers of color. Through chapters and online, Mocha Moms, Inc. provides support for women of color as they journey through all phases of motherhood while advocating for them nationally. Mocha Moms, Inc. also encourages the spirit of community activism and service among its members. Mocha Moms, Inc. does not discriminate against any person, regardless of demographic status. Anyone who supports the mission and purpose of Mocha Moms is welcome to join.ForumEventsPaidMatritto
on facebook
A place for discussion, questions, answers, advice and good wishes for mother and mom-gonnabe and parents. only for females, as the name implies the purpose7K members
ForumEventsCoursesMumsnet Yoga Forum
Join Mumsnet's yoga discussion forum and meet fellow yoga lovers. Get recommendations, share tips and advice on yoga poses, mats and outfits. Check out the discussions related to learning yoga through online classes, what yoga is recommended for lower back pain, and find advice for beginners.ForumNewsletterPaidNest Collaborative Latch Lounge
Nest Collaborative is a collection of International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants who conduct online, video appointments to help guide parents through the breastfeeding process. In Latch Lounge virtual group sessions you can connect with other parents in a small group setting, learn what comes next in your breastfeeding journey and talk about any concerns you may have.ChatNewsletterPaidCommitted Dads Community
Group which welcomes and supports new father or father-to-be in their new role with support , wisdom , and genuine connections.10 members
ForumChatPaidMas and Pas
Join our Parent Chat Rooms and post any questions or let us know what's on your mind. It's free to join.ChatEventsBabyCenter Parenting Forums
We give mums and dads advice and support they can trust. We do the research and go the extra mile to make sure our information is accurate, up-to-date, approved by our team of medical experts and tested by parents. Babycenter also has a Birth Club, where you can chat with guardians whose children are the same age as yours.ForumNewsletterWhat To Expect
What to Expect is the world’s best-known, most trusted pregnancy and parenting brand. The What to Expect brand mission drives everything we do, and it's as simple as it is powerful: “Support happy, healthy pregnancies and happy, healthy babies." Join our community for baby name ideas, due date discussions, local birth and parent community groups, and more!ForumNewsletterr/BabyBumps
on reddit
A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them.281K members
ForumMoms with Toddlers
Who loves sharing stories about their toddlers! I know I do and sometimes don't really have anyone to listen. Share stories or ask advice on your toddlers here!983 members
ForumThe Bump
At The Bump, we aim to empower parents and parents-to-be by delivering real life guidance, a multi-platform digital experience with time-saving tools, and an inclusive community to support all families as they navigate the early years of parenthood. Connect with other moms and moms-to-be and share stories about pregnancy, giving birth, trying to conceive and more on.ForumBabyandBump
Pregnancy forum, baby and parenting community. Discuss trying to get pregnant, your journey through pregnancy, birth and parenting. Get support and advices!256K members
Our MadeForMums Pregnancy forum and Birth Clubs forum are where you can come to chat to other parents-to-be about the ups and downs of pregnancy, as you experience the amazing process of growing a new life inside you. It's where you can come to celebrate the things that are going great; it's where you can come to have a moan about the things that aren't.ForumPregnancy, Parenting and Personal Growth-Gravid Mother and Baby
on linkedin
To support and provide solutions to all the Women who are in their pre-pregnancy,pregnancy or post pregnancy phase and to all the new moms or parents.126 members
ForumPregnant mommies & early sign of pregnancy
on facebook
Support group for pregnant mommies. We advise each other and share experiences on our pregnancies.136K members
ForumPregnant and nursing Mums
on facebook
A Facebook group dedicated to pregnant and nursing mums.224K members
Monthly Stats
- 87
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- 166
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