- #1
Furlough Community
on discord
FeaturedDiscord’s best kept secret! The most collaborative entrepreneurship and digital marketing community out there. Furlough brings professionals, brands, businesses and startups together in one ecosystem. Furlough community was designed to help entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses to collaborate and support each other's growth. Best bits: Over 50+ Monthly events & panel discussions. Live voice channels for networking and collaborating. Connect with brands and showcase your skills Positive & supportive community culture"Finally a REAL community for marketers, by marketers! I was looking for a long time for a place just like this! Furlough really has it all and even more. Regardless of the experience or "job hat" you wear, when it comes to up-to-date knowledge sharing, huge amount of resources, experts and great people from all over the world - THIS IS THE PLACE. Super recommended for anyone in the digital and marketing arena who wants to collaborate with the coolest and brightest people and just grow!"(7)12K members
ChatPairingEventsNewsletterJobsCourses - #2
Growth Partners
on slack
FeaturedGrowth Partners helps B2B SAAS teams double their link-earning output, for free through a bespoke workflow dubbed crowdsourced SEO. This is a practical, system-driven community focused on organic search growth. If you’re looking to get more value from your outreach efforts or to simply get exclusive access to some of the best backlink opportunities on the internet (ones you won’t find anywhere else), apply to join now."Probably one of the best SEO communities on the planet for driving organic growth."(4)127 members
ForumChatApplyPerks - #3
SaaS Marketing & Sales Leaders
on guild
For experienced marketers, consultants and other practitioners working in SaaS to share insights and best practice with peers.1K members
ForumChatApplyEventsJobs - #4
Digital Marketing Pioneers
on guild
For leaders and innovators in digital and marketing, interested in where digital/marketing is going. On the whole group members will have 10+ yrs of digital/marketing experience although this is not a hard rule for eligibility. Group members share ideas and interesting content, get feedback, and make useful contacts and connections.3K members
ForumChatApplyEventsJobs - #5
FORT (Furloughed or Released Talent)
on guild
FORT is a private space for professionals who have been released or furloughed from digital, marketing, creative, comms and PR roles or contracts.600 members
ForumChatApplyEventsJobs - #6
Comms & PR Pioneers
on guild
communications strategy and practice. A place for visionaries and leaders in the art and science of communications and PR to connect, communicate and collaborate.1K members
ForumChatApplyEventsJobs - #7
Charity, Non Profit and Public Sector Trailblazers
on guild
For everyone who works in the charity, non-profit or public sector in digital, marketing, communications or fundraising. This is a space for strategists and practitioners at all levels to learn, collaborate and share and blaze a trail for charity and non-profit success. Consultants and agencies in this space are also welcome.400 members
ForumChatEventsNewsletterJobs - #8
Member Association Collective (MAC)
on guild
Member Association Collective is a free community and network for people working in membership organisations and associations. Connect, communicate and collaborate on all things membership - sharing best practice, ideas and inspiration for member growth and increasing member value.150 members
All Marketing communities
Looking for more communities for marketers? Check out this list! These online communities are geared towards those that work in Marketing, from digital to paid to content to social media to search. These communities are an excellent source of inspiration, educational material, and growth tactics.
Monthly Stats
- 721
- Visitors
- 1136
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