Game Dev Universe

Community Overview

About the Game Dev Universe community

Game Dev Universe is a Discord Server for Gamers and Game Designers with roughly 80 members. It has both a forum and a live chat communication style.

In their own words

Game Dev Universe is a community built by game developers, for game developers. We have no plans to monetize, and are simply a place for game developers to ask questions and support each other in their journey through the many trials and tribulations of game development. We welcome both indie and AAA devs alike, along with supporting team members such as graphic artists, musicians, producers, etc.

On Discord
80 Members

Community Reviews

People are just there to support each other regardless of the game with no hidden agenda.
- Echo
Ok, so I'm the creator of the community, so I'm obviously a bit biased....but hear me out. It's a place where no one is trying to sell you something. There are other game dev communities on the web, but they all seem to come with an ulterior motive. The Game Dev Universe is just a community for devs to gather, learn, grow, and help each other out along their journeys. Self promo is not only ALLOWED, but it's ENCOURAGED. Even though it's still in its infancy, you won't find another community quite like it!
- Bret

Community Features


This community has a forum


This community has a realtime chat


This community hosts offline events and meetups

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