- #1
London Writers' Salon
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The writing community you've been looking for. Daily writing sessions. Weekly writer interviews and workshops. Expert coaching and peer accountability. The most encouraging and supportive writing community on the planet. Writers of all kinds are welcome.1K members
ForumChatPairingPerksEventsNewsletterJobsPaidCoursesTools - #2
Author Ever After
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Author Ever After is an intimate and supportive community for passionate, aspiring romance authors and writers. With weekly live masterminds and writing sessions, step-by-step tutorials, access to bestselling romance author mentors and a network of supportive peer writers. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you and support your every step in becoming a published romance author.(4)25 members
ForumChatPairingPerksEventsPaidCourses - #3
The Forge
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A writing membership that blends craft, accountability, and community into a powerful punch of creative goodness—so you can finally make the leap from hopeful, uncertain writer to thriving, dedicated author!50 members
ForumChatEventsNewsletterPaidCourses - #4
on circle
Panal (Honeycomb) is an artistic and training community in Spanish for people who write, illustrate and read. Panal is a space to exchange ideas and knowledge about storytelling. In Panal you will be able to publish your texts and projects and receive comments and suggestions from more readers, because writing does not always have to be solitary work. Panal allows you to find your virtual swarm of creatives/colleagues and also, Panal gives you access to information, recommendations and exclusive interviews to continue improving your productions.409 members
All Writing communities
This list of communities is dedicated to writers of all kinds, from aspiring beginners to seasoned professionals. Many of our writing communities offer support and constructive criticism if you're looking for more eyes on your work.
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