- #1
Accounting Finance Professionals
on linkedin
Accounting | Finance | Professionals is a fast-growing and vibrant worldwide community of accounting and financial professionals. The community is a forum for sharing knowledge, discussions, networking, business associations, seeking career advice & exploring job opportunities, comments, and information resources for accounting and financial professionals.444K members
ForumJobs - #2
Financial Accounting Learning Group
on linkedin
This group is for learners who are interested in financial accounting and want to connect, share, collaborate, learn, and teach in an open, safe environment. Learning is fun when done together. Let’s make it great and enjoy the conversation.69K members
Forum - #3
Accounting & Audit
on linkedin
The Accounting & Audit group serves financial managers for all types of businesses: from small and medium sized businesses to listed companies and financial services such as investment boutiques and investment banks.158K members
All Finance communities
Finance communities are online groups where people discuss all kinds of finance. From professionals working in finance, to indivudals looking for financial independence, join an online community of your peers to discuss finance with.
Monthly Stats
- 81
- Visitors
- 163
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