Online Communities for Diet
15Updated 2024-01-15
- #1
Sugar Freedom Tribe
on skool
The Sugar Freedom Tribe is a community of like-minded people who all have one goal in mind... To Find Freedom From Sugar! Inside you'll find: The 30 Day Sugar Detox Challenge, Detox To Lifestyle, LIVE "Sugar Support" meetings twice a day 7 days a week, The Amazon-Bestselling Book "The Last Resort Sugar Detox Guide", "The Last Resort Sugar Detox Guide" Audiobook for the auditory learners, Sugar-Free recipe books, A community of over 1.3k+ people looking to cheer you on and support you, And much more...2K members
ForumPerksEventsPaid - #2
Vegan Business Tribe
on slack
If you have a vegan business, you have found your tribe! Vegan Business Tribe is a community of over 1,000 vegan business owners across the globe who are on a mission to change the face of business, to create a fairer, cruelty-free world for both animals and people.1K members
ChatPerksEventsNewsletterCourses - #3
Holistic Nutrition & Dietetics
on twitter
Discussing latest advancement in the field of nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, sustainable eating, functional food and nutrition policies.3K members
ForumApply - #4
Vegan Mainstream
on slack
Vegan Mainstream Village provides a free vegan business-oriented community and support, offering motivating weekly challenges and accomplishment celebrations. If you’re a vegan entrepreneur or business owner you know that this is an EXCITING time in the vegan business movement! Nevertheless, we are still in the minority and it can be a lonely road if you’re not able to easily connect with other like-minded professionals. So we’ve created Vegan Mainstream Village, a brand new open and FREE vegan business community on Slack that will allow you to connect and network with other vegan entrepreneurs and business owners. This is a space where you can learn from and collaborate with other professionals who are working in the same marketplace, facing the same challenges. Vegan Mainstream Village provides a free vegan business-oriented community and support, offering motivating weekly challenges and accomplishment celebrations.ChatPairingNewsletterJobsCourses - #5
Insects as a food
on facebook
Insects as a food is a group where we share ideas and experiences with the modern world. This is a place for you to ask questions or find answers about eating insects. We are a group dedicated to the education and promotion of entomophagy (the eating of insects).1K members
ForumChatNewsletter - #6
Nutrición & Salud
on telegram
Saber Comer es Nutrición & Salud90 members
ChatPairingCourses - #7
Vegetables Australia
on telegram
#broc #cabbage #mushrooms #cherry tomato #french beans #chicken mushrooms #lemon #orange #apple #edibles #7K members
ForumChat - #8
How To Carnivore
on skool
"The last 10%, including coffee, sweeteners and fruit, makes all the difference!" - Dr. Anthony Chaffee. You may have tried paleo, keto or "carnivore-ish" and that's great, you're doing better than most people! But, you will go to a whole new level when you finally get rid of the sweeteners, coffee, honey, unnecessary supplements and other crap that are holding you back. Join my Carnivore Challenge and stay 100% strict carnivore for 30 days.302 members
ForumPaid - #9
Exiled Disciples
on skool
In this community, I reveal all my secrets, including my masterclass on how to detox the body from all parasites, viruses, bacteria and heavy metals. Incl. Expert talks, live Q&As and much more!148 members
ForumPaid - #10
We Fast
on slack
Join our active community on Slack to learn about Intermittent Fasting (IF), get tips and support, and share your experiences. The initial goal with WeFast was to engage on intermittent fasting's longevity and cognition enhancing benefits. However, our group has expanded to also encompass folks who are looking to generally lose weight and have a healthier diet.5K members
Chat Registered Dietitians (RD / RDN) Free CEU Forum
on facebook
A forum for Registered Dietitians Nutritionists to share free continuing education opportunities (CEUs) as well as product sampling programs for your practice. Other opportunities to benefit RD's will be posted including, but not limited to position openings, networking, and any other offerings that can RDs can benefit from. Feel free to share any other free opportunities or offers that benefit RD / RDNs. This forum can also be used to look for feedback or answers to questions from our professional peers.6K members
ForumVegan Forum
A free-to-access vegan community for support, recipes, health and travel advice, activism, products and more. All things vegan in one elegant forum.7K members
A forum community dedicated to vegetarian, vegans, and vegetable enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about agriculture, preparation, cooking, recipes, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!72K members
ForumEarth Friendly Food Choices
on facebook
Welcome to Earth Friendly Food Choices! We're working to help create a healthier, sustainable, compassionate and peaceful planet by helping folks take their next step toward a healthy, plant-sourced diet, composed primarily of whole or minimally processed foods. Our aim is to make our group a fun, friendly, welcoming place for everyone, especially those who are just getting started. Animal advocacy is welcome on our page, but images of graphic violence are not. We allow some leeway, but ask that posts be at least broadly related to food, plant-based nutrition, or diet and lifestyle change. Please keep all exchanges courteous and respectful. Recipes for healthy and tasty plant-based dishes are welcome. But recipes with animal products, such as dairy, eggs, gelatin, mayonnaise, or honey, will be deleted, as will marketing posts for products or services not directly tied to our mission. Petitions may occasionally be allowed, but most will not.There’s a broad consensus among health and nutrition professionals that vegans should regularly take a B-12 supplement for optimal health. We agree. There's a helpful "search" button, in the column to the left, for finding discussions on a topic of your choice. Thanks again for joining us, and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We wish you well!15K members
ForumPower to the Veg!
on facebook
Whether you are a new Vegan/ Vegetarian or have been one forever, this group is meant to celebrate each other during the process, the hard times, the GREAT times, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. This is a shame-free zone!8K members
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