- #1
Interior Architecture + Design
on linkedin
Interior Architecture + Design (IA+D) is a private group focused on the discussion of design and architecture. Discussions are open to related professions, including students and other academic counterparts.90K members
Forum - #2
The Enterprise Architecture Network
on linkedin
This is a group for people into Enterprise Architecture (CIO, CTO, Enterprise Architects, Business Architects, Information Architects, Application Architects, Technology Architects, IT Strategists, IT and Corporate Governance staffs197K members
Forum - #3
Design & Architecture
on linkedin
This group is for professionals involved with furniture design, interior design and architecture, or involved in furthering the education of the public in contemporary and mid-century modern design and art58K members
Forum - #4
Architecture Linkedin
on linkedin
112K members
All Architecture communities
Architecture communities are dedicated to all of the wonderful topics to discuss in the world of architecture. From professionals working in the space, to just fans that like to geek out about cool buildings. Enjoy!
Monthly Stats
- 103
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- 228
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