- #1
We Entertainment Worldwide
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The best place on LinkedIn for Multimedia entertainment professionals. You can join here if you are into CGI CG 3D Animation Stereoscopic VFX Special Effects Visual Effects Graphics Fantasy Science Fiction Immersive Art lovers Painting 3d Game Art Video Games Game Designers Design Game Programmers Programming Films Media Artificial intelligence or Advertising.64K members
Forum - #2
Characters Engage
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If you are passionate about characters, this forum would love to have your input. Characters Engage is a global group with interest in character Animation, Children's Publishing, Comics, Games, Licensing, and Toys.44K members
All Animation communities
This list of communities is for 3D animators to discuss their art and work. If you're designing physical products, web products, games, or AR/VR experiences, find a community of animators to inspire your work.
Monthly Stats
- 130
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- 266
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