- #1
r/skiing Discord
on discord
Discord server for r/skiing subreddit2K members
Chat - #2
on discord
PEVZone is a Discord community that brings Electric Vehicle/PEV riders together for meetups and group rides! We're a friendly community of electric vehicle enthusiasts who love riding everything. This includes: electric bikes, electric scooters, eSk8, EUC, one wheel, electric foils/surfboards, and in the future - electric aircraft (eVTOL).215 members
ChatEvents - #3
r/Kiteboarding Discord
on discord
Discord server for r/kiteboarding subreddit800 members
All Action Sports communities
Action sports communities are online hangouts where outdoor athletes get together to share photos, reviews, and tips for the wild world of action sports. Looking for some advice on where to get your next adrenaline rush? Look no further. Want to just browse photos & videos of others doing awesome things, you can find that in these communities as well.