Online Communities for Yogis
15Updated 2023-06-08
- #1
Spiritual World
on discord
A spiritual Discord community with: - Exciting free events e.g. sharing circles, guest speakers, movie nights, etc. - Free coaching opportunities (voice, video, or text) - A community forum where you can ask for advice - Spiritual channels e.g. yoga, meditation, astrology, and more.199 members
ForumChatEvents - #2
on discord
OURS is a community for people passionate about natural living and holistic health, inspired by ancient Indian wisdom. We explore the intersection between yoga, traditional healing and natural farming through our ecosystem of content, community and IRL experiences.1K members
Chat - #3
on reddit
Welcome to /r/yoga! Reddit's best place for all things yoga. Yoga can be: a way to stay fit; Relaxation, stress reduction; Just fun; Preparation for meditation; Spiritual or religious practice; or whatever else you need it to be.1.5M members
Forum - #4
Yin Yoga Forum
Yin Yoga Forum is a community dedicated to discussing Yin Yoga flows, sequences, postures, asking questions, and getting advice on how to practice it. Get to know about upcoming yoga events and teacher training, and discuss the Science behind Yin Yoga.38K members
ForumNewsletterCourses - #5
Spiritual Shadows
on discord
A spiritual place filled with spiritual people. Anyone curious of things spiritual are welcome to join! We have daily yoga and meditation!328 members
Chat - #6
Growing Goose
on discord
If you are looking for a place to meet new people and chill in a server that isn't crazy toxic? Then Growing Goose is for you! We try to build each other up and encourage each other to grow while having fun. Besides just enjoying a nice convo we also do meditation, yoga, art and all sorts of fun events together.94 members
Chat - #7
AYP Forum
Welcome to Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) Forum. This website introduces nearly 1000 instructional lessons and additions, and many other resources that have been developed and enhanced since 2003. Join the thousands of people who have been using these easy-to-follow teachings, and begin to incorporate powerful advanced yoga practices into your daily life in a practical, safe, and results-oriented way.ForumNewsletterPaidCourses - #8
hellomyyoga Forum
It is an authentic yoga forum created for yoga seekers to engage & enlighten. Ask questions, find answers and share your knowledge & experience on yoga & related practices.ForumEventsNewsletterCourses - #9
Yoga Anytime Forum
Yoga Anytime is a global community of yogis dedicated to sharing the teachings of Yoga through online yoga classes.ForumNewsletterPaidCourses - #10
Mumsnet Yoga Forum
Join Mumsnet's yoga discussion forum and meet fellow yoga lovers. Get recommendations, share tips and advice on yoga poses, mats and outfits. Check out the discussions related to learning yoga through online classes, what yoga is recommended for lower back pain, and find advice for beginners.ForumNewsletterPaid Global Yoga Community
on facebook
We would like to welcome you to our Global Yoga Community (GYC). With GYC we hope to offer yogis and yoginis a one stop platform for everything Yoga- Forums, Retreats, Job Opportunities, Learning, Teaching, Diet and other resources. Please help spread the light of Yoga through GYC!96K members
ForumEventsJobsGay+ Men Meditating
on discord
A friendly and safe group for gay+ (gay, bisexual, bi-curious) men who practice meditation and yoga to make friends, support and encourage each other and to practice yoga and meditation together online.372 members
Join the worlds #1 Yoga discussion. Ask questions, find answers and share your knowledge and experiences on Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, healthy food, spirituality, creativity, travel & events, lifestyle & fashion and more.68K members
ForumNeem Karoli
on discord
This is a Spirituality focused server bringing together beings into Yoga, Meditation, Compassionate Service and Loving Kindness. Many of us found the path through an Indian Saint Sri Neem Karoli Baba, the writings of Ram Dass, and S.N. Goenka's Vipassana Centers, but we welcome anyone who is sincerely interested in realizing peace of mind and being present here now.110 members
ChatWorld Yoga Community
on facebook
Welcome to World Yoga Community Group. Through this group we will share information about Yoga. If you have come in this group, I believe that you believe in Yoga And Ayurveda, it is a public group, I request all the members to give their own information Can share in group. I hope this group goes much further, thank you very much.653K members
Monthly Stats
- 45
- Visitors
- 99
- Pageviews