- #1
on telegram
Accountability groups for developers. How it works: Buy a seat in the group. Fill out form. Join group from invite. Post updates for 30 days. Get charged for missed days. Current groups: Job Hunters, Founders, Crypto Devs, Builders, Creators, 30 Days of Customer Interviews, ConvertKitChatApplyPairingPaid - #2
on telegram
FOSS Post is a high-quality online magazine about Linux and open source software. This channel posts daily news from all over the web too.2K members
All Software Development communities
This list of communities is dedicated to engineers, software developers, coders, and hackers. Some are online communities dedicated to a particular technology or programming language, and some are general purpose communities or those that help developers early in their career. The communities on this list are an excellent source of inspiration, knowledge-sharing, and networking.
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