Number Theory

Community Overview

About the Number Theory community

Number Theory is a Linkedin Group for Math with roughly 39K members. It uses a forum format for communication.

In their own words

Number Theory is a mathematical study of the axiomatic properties of positive integers including powers of integers, squares, cubes, triangular, factorial, Fibonacci, composite, prime, perfect, Mersenne, Fermat, Ramanujan, factors, Pisot, social, deficient, abundant, Pickover, Batrachian and modular forms. This group is formed to advance the use of number theory in physics, chaos theory and fractal theory as well. Dirichlet and zeta functions as they apply to the theory of numbers will be discussed. Both cyclotomic and subcyclotomic numbers are also of great interest in Pisot and metal means discussions. We will welcome open discussions and new developments in number theory.

On LinkedIn
Established 2012
39K Members

Community Features


This community has a forum

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