Icy Veins

Community Overview

About the Icy Veins community

Icy Veins is an online community for WoW Players with roughly 145K members. It uses a forum format for communication.

In their own words

Icy Veins was initially created as resource for World of Warcraft raiders, but the website has since then grown to cover most Blizzard Entertainment titles in a similar fashion. The website currently has ample resources for World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and StarCraft 2, providing players of each of these games with all the tools necessary to progress to the top competitive level.

145K Members

Community Features


This community has a forum


This community has an email newsletter of related content


This community has a job board or provides career networking opportunities


This community has a paid membership level

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