Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Direct Manufacturing

Community Overview

About the Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Direct Manufacturing community

Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Direct Manufacturing is a Linkedin Group for 3D Printers with roughly 25K members. It uses a forum format for communication.

In their own words

People interested in Technology, Applications & Market of Additive Manufacturing (AM) which also were referred as 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, Solid Freeform Fabrication, Rapid Manufacturing, Desktop Manufacturing, Direct Manufacturing, or Layered Manufacturing, Generative Manufacturing, Layered Manufacturing, Solid Free-form Fabrication, Rapid Prototype, Tool-less Model Making, Metal casting, 3D Metal Printing, Metal Additive Manufacturing etc. These technologies have crucial benefits for the medical sector , professional applications, engineering, architecture, and modeling, etc..,used for 3D Printing (Materials, Design & Engineering, Post Processing, Electronics and Factory Integration), 4D Printing & Meta Materials,etc..

On LinkedIn
Established 2010
25K Members

Community Features


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